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News/Current Affairs

Boris Johnson’s Brexit Deal disputed by Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson’s Brexit Deal disputed by B ...
Brexit deal mentions Netscape browser and Mozilla Mail
Brexit deal mentions Netscape browser and Mozil ...
James O’Brien’s best moments of 2020
James O’Brien’s best moments of 2020
Schools must stay shut until we know what dangers are posed by new variants of the virus | The I ...
Schools must stay shut until we know what dange ...
Ah the sweet smell of sovereignty. Gibraltar will now effectively be in the Schengen area. Briti ...
Ah the sweet smell of sovereignty. Gibraltar wi ...
1. A small business began selling camera tripods on Amazon
2. It reached $3.5 million in sales,  ...
1. A small business began selling camera tripod ...
Well done Madonna, telling it like it is
Well done Madonna, telling it like it is
Tiers explained
Tiers explained
Christmas day, Marston Airport, Kent
Christmas day, Marston Airport, Kent
Now thats a slogan on a bus that ISNT a lie
Now thats a slogan on a bus that ISNT a lie
Explained: WTF happened in 2020? – YouTube
Explained: WTF happened in 2020? – YouTube
Mack Lest we forget
For the E.U., Brexit Deal Is a Pretty Good One – The New York Times
For the E.U., Brexit Deal Is a Pretty Good One ...
Around nine in 10 of the pardons Trump has granted have been for individuals who can claim perso ...
Around nine in 10 of the pardons Trump has gran ...
Friendly Cyclist up Bealach na Ba – Scottish Highlands – Caught on camera – Yo ...
Friendly Cyclist up Bealach na Ba – Scott ...
Mack And they wonder why everyone hates them, dickheads
US Spy Tech firm involved in Locking up Children lands £23 Million NHS deal | Mary Fitzgerald &# ...
US Spy Tech firm involved in Locking up Childre ...
The Great Pandemic Robbery. How so much of the £22,000,000,000 for Test and Trace went to friend ...
The Great Pandemic Robbery. How so much of the ...
Wonder what started the second wave in the UK?
Wonder what started the second wave in the UK?
