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St. Michaels Mount.
St. Michaels Mount.
Extremely Rare Light Pillars; phenomenon caused when light is refracted by ice crystals.
Extremely Rare Light Pillars; phenomenon caused ...
Abandoned Belvedere Hotel in Switzerland
Abandoned Belvedere Hotel in Switzerland
Mig 29
Mig 29
The peregrine falcon is considered the fastest animal on the planet when it dives, it tucks its  ...
The peregrine falcon is considered the fastest ...
Mont. St. Michel
Mont. St. Michel
Nighttime view of London from the ISS
Nighttime view of London from the ISS
Velciraptors havent evolved that far!
Velciraptors havent evolved that far!
Happy Swiss cat
Happy Swiss cat
Wheal Trewavas
Wheal Trewavas
Full speed
Full speed
