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U.K. Grants Five Passports a Minute to Hongkongers as China Tightens Grip
U.K. Grants Five Passports a Minute to Hongkong ...
Patel warned over legality of ‘morally repugnant’ prosecutions of asylum seekers crossing Channel
Patel warned over legality of ‘morally repugnan ...
Mack Bit pointless telling a criminal that theyre breaking the law!
UK races to deport asylum seekers ahead of Brexit
UK races to deport asylum seekers ahead of Brexit
Reading stabbings: Man admits knife murders of three victims
Reading stabbings: Man admits knife murders of ...
Ilford father admits killing his children during lockdown
Ilford father admits killing his children durin ...
Mack You can take people out of their culture but ....
Teacher decapitated in Paris named as Samuel Paty, 47
Teacher decapitated in Paris named as Samuel Pa ...
Man left with brain damage after fight in St Austell town centre – Cornwall Live
Man left with brain damage after fight in St Au ...
De Pfeffel sorting out immigration
De Pfeffel sorting out immigration
Kent says it cannot take any more child refugees without government help
Kent says it cannot take any more child refugee ...
Record number of unaccompanied children reach UK
Record number of unaccompanied children reach UK
Mack Taking back control :D
Refugees told ‘Europe is closed’ as tensions rise at Greece-Turkey border
Refugees told ‘Europe is closed’ as ...
Mack Yes, Europe needs to share the burden of genuine refugees but why do these "refugees" always...
Four men guilty of raping teen used ‘like piece of meat’ in sick campaign of abuse
Four men guilty of raping teen used ‘like ...
Woman, 28, gang-raped by three men two of whom didn’t speak English
Woman, 28, gang-raped by three men two of whom ...
‘We left fearing for our lives’: doctors set upon by mob in Lesbos
‘We left fearing for our lives’: do ...
Mack If they left a safe country that had accepted them in and they had no danger to their lives ...
Police officer among 16 charged with Halifax child sex offences
Police officer among 16 charged with Halifax ch ...
Mack Christopher Eastwood, the only name that sounds like an indigenous brit....
Reynhard Sinaga: Britain’s ‘most prolific rapist’ jailed for life
Reynhard Sinaga: Britain’s ‘most pr ...
Police officer Amjad Ditta in group charged with sex offences
Police officer Amjad Ditta in group charged wit ...
A convicted terrorsist wearing a police GPS ankle tag mudered 2 people and was tackled by a conv ...
A convicted terrorsist wearing a police GPS ank ...
Jodie Chesney: Two teens jailed for murder
Jodie Chesney: Two teens jailed for murder
Mack Ong-a-Kwie, Isaacs and Petrovic, these damn English kids .....
