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Flat earther maths “genuis”, ultimate arrogance
Flat earther maths “genuis”, ultima ...
Chiropractic: Quackery Hiding in Plain Sight
Chiropractic: Quackery Hiding in Plain Sight
UK loses measles elimination status after vaccine use drops.
UK loses measles elimination status after vacci ...
Exclusive: US homeopaths claim ‘therapies’ prevent measles and ‘cure’ autism
Exclusive: US homeopaths claim ‘therapies ...
Measles Outbreak Infects 695, Highest Number Since 2000
Measles Outbreak Infects 695, Highest Number Si ...
The Flat Earther’s $100,000 challenge completed by MCToon.
The Flat Earther’s $100,000 challenge com ...
New York county declares measles outbreak emergency
New York county declares measles outbreak emergency
Welcome to 2019
Welcome to 2019
Interview with cancer-faking alternative medicine advocate.
Interview with cancer-faking alternative medici ...
Mack Wow, a rare insight into a pathological liars mind.
FLAT EARTH -documentary Beyond the Curve fragment: Jeranism proves the globe..; “That̵ ...
FLAT EARTH -documentary Beyond the Curve fragme ...
Trying To Find A Doctor at an Anti Vaccine Rally
Trying To Find A Doctor at an Anti Vaccine Rally
Richard Dawkins exposes homeopathy for what it is
Richard Dawkins exposes homeopathy for what it is
