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The vindictive bastard’s guide to why a recession would be great | The Daily Mash
The vindictive bastard’s guide to why a r ...
Huge queue forms at Palace on news that Prince Andrew is giving away money to people he’s never met
Huge queue forms at Palace on news that Prince ...
The Tories – Christmas Special 2020 – Part 1 – YouTube
The Tories – Christmas Special 2020 ̵ ...
Couple experience political awakening after hearing about Brexit pet passport changes
Couple experience political awakening after hea ...
Mack Barely satire in this fucked up country now.
Wind farms ordered to create breeze to cool down Britain
Wind farms ordered to create breeze to cool dow ...
Every COVID Briefing. Ever. – Larry and Paul
Every COVID Briefing. Ever. – Larry and Paul
Jacob Rees-Mogg – instructions on social distancing for returning MPs (non Latin version)
Jacob Rees-Mogg – instructions on social distan ...
Cassetteboy – Boris Johnson’s Leadership Bid
Cassetteboy – Boris Johnson’s Leade ...
‘Should bellend be hyphenated or not?’ staff ask Jacob Rees Mogg
‘Should bellend be hyphenated or not?’ staff as ...
Amateur photographer captures moment dream of being a photographer dies
Amateur photographer captures moment dream of b ...
Lego launches ‘Incredibly Depressing No-Deal Brexit Town Centre’
Lego launches ‘Incredibly Depressing No-Deal Br ...
The Remainer’s guide to getting behind Brexit
The Remainer’s guide to getting behind Brexit
38-year-old man has just learned it’s ‘could have’ not ‘could of’
38-year-old man has just learned it’s ‘could ha ...
