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Wow, he is human, unlike the others
Wow, he is human, unlike the others
With appropriate music
With appropriate music
Being a republican in Britain used to be perfectly respectable. So why are people now getting ar ...
Being a republican in Britain used to be perfec ...
Revealed: Queen vetted 67 laws before Scottish parliament could pass them
Revealed: Queen vetted 67 laws before Scottish ...
Queen secretly lobbied Scottish ministers for climate law exemption.

Monarch used secretive pro ...
Queen secretly lobbied Scottish ministers for c ...
Mack Her and her Tories HAVE TO GO
The Carriage of Louis II of Bavaria (Ludwig II)
The Carriage of Louis II of Bavaria (Ludwig II)
A royal conspiracy against John Bercow? Perhaps I’m imagining it
A royal conspiracy against John Bercow? Perhaps ...
High house prices? Inequality? I blame the NormansWilliam the Conquerer’s descendants are  ...
High house prices? Inequality? I blame the Norm ...
Mack Just 0.3% of the population – 160,000 families – own two thirds of the country. Less than 1%...
Queen tried to use state poverty fund to heat Buckingham Palace
Queen tried to use state poverty fund to heat B ...
James O’Brien gets three “mad” calls in a row on Prince Andrew
James O’Brien gets three “mad” ...
Mack Wow, just Wow! 3 Cap doffing, forelock tugging serfs try to justify a royal being mates with...
Prince Phillip personally visits woman’s house to apologise for the accident
Prince Phillip personally visits woman’s house ...
‘I’ll do whatever the f**k I want’, says 97-year-old who can do whatever the f**k he wants
‘I’ll do whatever the f**k I want’, says 97-yea ...
Police speak to Prince Philip for not wearing seat belt
Police speak to Prince Philip for not wearing s ...
Mack "I'm lucky to be alive and he hasn't even said sorry. "It has been such a traumatic and p...
Mack They dont speak to the plebs that keep them in power, dont be silly, Id be surprised if he k...
New Year’s honours: Nine people who said no
New Year’s honours: Nine people who said no
Mack Not all heroes wear capes
Must be why theyre so intelligent *cough*
Must be why theyre so intelligent *cough*
