Tag Count
. 2
#intelligence 1
1984 7
1st world problems 1
2016 1
2018 1
2019 1
2020 28
2021 8
2022 7
2023 5
2024 9
30p Lee 5
360 2
3D 5
3D Printing 1
3rd Wave 1
50p 2
5G 1
70s 1
737 1
80s 56
9/11 52
90s 1
A.I. 6
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above the law 44
acab 435
accent 1
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Achmed the dead terrorist 1
Activism 2
Adenoviral Vector Vaccine 1
Adobe 1
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Agile 1
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AI 8
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Alan Partridge 2
Alaska 1
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Aldous Huxley 8
Alex Jones 1
alexa 1
Algeria 1
Alien 8
allies 1
Alligator 1
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Amazon 14
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America 5
America's cup 2
Amiga 2
Amsterdam 1
Anarchism 10
anatomy 4
Andrew Tate 1
Android 4
Angela Rayner 2
Angelina Jolie 1
Animal cruelty 38
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animalphotography 12
Animals 34
Animation 1
Anne Frank 1
Anonymous 1
Antalya 29
Anthropology 1
anti democratic 45
anti fact 3
Anti Semitism 2
anti vax 38
anti work 54
anti-science 1
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anti-woke 2
anxiety 18
Apathy 3
Apollo 1
apologists 2
app 2
Apple 35
April Fools 2
arcade 2
archaeology 84
Archery 1
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arms 1
army 1
Arron Banks 1
art 2
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Artemis 6
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Aspendos 1
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Aurora 35
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Australia 13
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Barbados 1
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Bat 1
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Batman 3
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BB8 1
BBC 128
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beard 2
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Beaver 1
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bees 2
Beetle 1
behind the scenes 92
Beirut 1
Belgium 5
Bench 1
benefit 2
benefits 40
Bernie Sanders 1
Bethesda 1
betting 1
bias 5
bible 27
Bicycle 11
Big Bang 1
big brother 3
bigot 1
Bill Clinton 5
Bill Gates 1
Bill O Reilly 1
Billionaires 21
bingo 2
biology 4
bird 47
birdsong 1
birthday 2
Bitcoin 6
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Black Mirror 1
BlackAdder 1
Blair 19
Blakes 7 2
blame 1
blasphemy 1
Blender 1
blockchain 2
blood 1
blood clots 1
bloodhound 2
bloodmoon 2
Blue Origin 2
Bluebells 2
Bluesky 2
Bluetooth 2
BMW 12
BMW i8 32
boardmasters 1
boats 365
Boeing 8
bokeh 1
Bomb 5
bone apple tea 5
Boo 1
boobs 2
books 8
Boomers 3
Border checks 2
Boris Johnson 799
bots 2
boycott 6
BP 1
brain 1
brainwashing 3
Brave New World 1
Brazil 3
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Breaking Bad 1
breeders 2
brex 1
Brexit 1247
brexiting 2
Brian Bilston 17
bribes 1
bridge 2
Brilliant 323
Bristol 6
Britain 2
British 11
British Gas 1
British humour 16
British Problems 11
Broken Britain 58
Broken News 20
Broken World 1
Brutal 1
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budget 2
buildings 1
Bulgaria 1
Bullet 1
Bullfighting 3
Bullshit 9
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bus 3
Bush 2
business 3
Business Cards 2
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Byron 1
C64 6
cactus 1
Cadgwith 1
cairo 2
Call of Duty 1
callous 3
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Calvin Klein 1
Cambridge Analytica 1
camera 1
Cameron 23
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Canada 11
cancer 141
Cancervatives 1
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Capitalism 131
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car 36
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care homes 1
Carl Sagan 8
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Carrie Symonds 2
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CassetteBoy 5
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cat 19
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cave 5
Ceefaux 1
celeb 1
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Celts 1
censorship 33
census 1
Centrist 4
Cessna 1
cgi 5
chameleon 1
Channel 4 2
Chaos 2
charity 8
Charles Bukowski 1
Charter Cities 2
Cheat Sheet 1
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checkouts 1
Chemical Weapons 1
chemist 1
chemistry 3
Cherilyn Mackrory 1
chess 2
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child 1
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Chile 1
chimpanzee 2
China 18
Chiropractors 1
chocolate 6
Choosing beggars 1
chough 1
Chris Bryant 2
Christ 2
Christianity 140
Christmas 52
Christmas Party 8
Christopher Hitchens 37
Chrome 1
Chuck Palahniuk 1
chumocracy 1
church 2
Churchill 7
city 6
Civil Engineering 2
civil rights 7
class 3
claw 1
cleaning 4
Clement Atlee 3
Clever 2
cliffs 1
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Clinton 6
clock 1
Clothes 1
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clown 1
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coding 5
Coffee 3
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Cold War Steve 177
Colin 1
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colonisalism 2
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comedy 1
comet 1
Community notes 1
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compromised 1
computer 21
con 40
Conservative 113
conspiracy 33
constitution 2
construction 2
consumer rights 1
Container home 1
contract 3
contradictions 5
control 2
cops 1
copyright 1
Corbyn 72
cornish 74
CornishProblems 5
cornwall 915
Cornwall County Council 4
corona 1
coronation 18
coronavirus 770
corporation 1
corru 1
corrupt 1
corruption 1105
cosplay 2
cost of living crisis 63
council 1
Count Binface 1
coup 4
courier 1
courts 1
cousins 2
Coverack 2
covert 1
coverup 2
covid 5
COVID-19 5
cows 1
crab 2
crap design 1
Crash 7
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creation 1
creativity 1
creepy 1
Cressida Dick 6
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criminal 14
Cringe 2
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critical thinking 1
criticism 1
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cronyism 40
Crow 1
Crowdstrike Outage 7
cruise 5
Crypto 3
Crystals 1
cult 2
Culture 1
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cute 36
cuts 93
CV 1
CyberTruck 1
cycling 5
cyclists 8
Cyprus 1
da vinci 1
Dachshunds 9
Daily Express 29
Daily Mail 44
Daily Show 2
Dalai Lama 1
Dan Wootton 1
dance 92
Dangerous dogs 2
Danny Dyer 1
Dartmoor 1
darwin award 2
Darwinism in action 3
Daschunds 37
data 2
Data rights 7
dating 7
David Attenborough 1
David Davis 2
David Lammy 1
Davos 1
Davraz 1
day out 1
deadpool 4
deal 1
death 40
debate 1
Debt 5
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decline 3
decorating 5
decoration 2
DeepakChopra 5
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defence 1
Delivery 2
delorean 1
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democracy 41
Denmark 3
dentist 7
depression 112
Derren Brown 1
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desk 1
Desmond 1
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development 4
Devon 2
Devoran 2
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dictatorship 2
Dido Harding 4
Die 1
die hard 1
Diesel 3
diet 26
Dignitas 4
dignity in dying 18
Dinosaurs 14
disabled 3
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disaster 1
Disaster Capitalism 1
Disguise 1
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dishwasher 1
disney 4
distraction 1
diving 6
doctors 3
documentary 59
Dodgy 1
Dog Whistle Politics 1
dogfriendly 1
dogs 116
dolphins 8
Domestic Violence 1
Dominic Cummings 33
Dominic Raab 14
donkey 2
donor 3
doors 1
Douglas Adams 34
drainage 1
Dress 3
Drill 1
drinking 1
drivers 1
driving 9
drone 137
drugs 4
drums 1
dual monitor 1
Dubai 24
duct tape 1
dystopia 4
E-Cards 1
Eagle 15
Earth 7
earthporn 148
earthquake 3
Easter 6
ebike 1
ecard 1
eclipse 4
eco destruction 2
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economics 6
economy 99
ecosystem 1
ED209 2
Edinburgh 1
education 2
Edward Snowden 3
Egypt 28
Election 79
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electoral commission 3
electorate 16
electric bike 2
electric car 24
electric plane 1
electricity 12
Electronics 1
elevator 1
elite 3
Elite Dangerous 135
Elon Musk 38
EMail 2
embarrasing 3
emergency 1
emmet 45
emmigration 2
empire 1
Employment 3
empty shelves 1
endless war 1
energy 1
Energy Prices 20
Engine 4
Engineer 4
engineering 1
England 8
English 37
English Flag 1
Enterprise 1
entitled 3
Entrepreneur 1
environment 2
Ephesus 3
Epstein 20
Erdogan 18
Escher 3
Esprit 1
Eton 10
etymology 1
EU 89
Europe 2
EV 2
Evacuation 1
events 1
Ever Given 2
Everest 2
evidence 1
evil 2
evolution 19
Ewww 1
exams scandal 2
excuses 2
execution 1
exercise 5
Exeter 1
expenses 6
Exploding Heads 6
exploitation 1
exploiting 3
explosion 1
extensions 1
extreme 1
extremism 1
extrovert 1
eye 1
F-16 2
F-35 4
F1 2
F16 1
Fabian Perez 1
face swap 2
Facebook 35
facepalm 1
facial recognition 4
facts 1
fail 4
failed state 2
Failing Grayling 5
Faith in humanity restored 3
fake suicide 1
falcon 9 2
Fallout4 4
Falmouth 23
False Flag 4
family 1
far side 1
Farage Garage 1
farms 6
FarSide 12
fascism 6
Fascism 210
fashion 1
fast food 1
Fast Show 4
fat 2
fear 2
Feelgood 3
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feeling happy 3
Feeling old yet 1
Femi 1
Femicide 1
feminism 2
fence 1
ferrari 1
feudal 1
FFS 79
fight club 3
filming 1
Finland 2
fire 9
fire sale 1
firefly 1
first world problems 1
fish 20
fish n chips 2
fishing 4
flag 1
flag shaggers 9
Flash Mob 2
flat earth 10
Flight Sim 34
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flowers 6
flu 1
flying 11
fog 4
foiling 5
Fonts 4
food 5
food safety 1
Food Shortages 4
food standards 5
foodbanks 4
Football 4
For sale 2
forecast 1
Formula 1 8
fossils 6
fountain 1
Fox 2
Fox Hunting 16
Fox News 7
Fracking 1
France 38
Frankie Boyle 1
fraud 4
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freedom 1
freedom of speech 1
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freelancing 1
freeports 5
french 3
friends 1
friendzone 1
frog 1
frozen 4
fsm 2
Fuck Off 1
Fuck up 1
fuel 6
Fuel Shortage 3
Funeral 4
funny 35
furniture 3
Futurama 1
future 2
G4S 1
G7 9
galaxy 1
gambling 2
game of life 1
Game of Thrones 7
games 2
gaming 1
gaming rig 1
Gammon 32
GammonballRun 2
garbage 4
gardening 5
gaslighting 1
Gavin Williamson 6
gay 1
gay marriage 1
GB News 1
GBNews 6
geek 1
GEFraud 1
gender 4
gender fluid 14
Generation X 5
Genetic Modification. science 1
genocide 28
gentrification 1
geology 8
George Bush 2
George Carlin 6
George Eustice 1
George Floyd 1
George Orwell 16
Germany 23
gerrymandering 4
Gezi Park 1
Ghislaine Maxwell 5
Ghosting 1
Gibraltar 8
Giddens 23
gif 1
Giraffe 1
Globe 1
Glow in the dark 1
GMail 1
goat 1
god rays 2
gold 1
good idea 1
google 10
Google Chrome 1
GoT 15
government 9
grace and favour 1
graffiti 16
graft 3
grammar 10
Grand Canyon 6
Grant Shapps 1
gravestone 1
Great comeback 1
Greece 9
greed 29
Green Party 1
Greenpeace 2
Greetings cards 2
Grenfell 4
Greta Thunberg 2
grief 1
gullible 10
Guns 35
habit 1
hack 1
Hacking 9
Haggis 2
Hair 5
hairy coo 23
halal 1
halloween 12
Hannity 1
Hans Zimmer 1
Hard Hats 1
Harry Potter 1
hate 4
Hawaii 2
hawk 1
health 6
healthcare 3
heat 2
heatwave 1
hedgehog 5
heights 3
helicopter 33
Helmet 1
helpdesk 5
herd immunity 1
hereditary 1
hi-res 18
highland cattle 2
Hiking 1
Hindu 3
hip hop 1
history 72
Hitchens 5
HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy 29
Hitler 13
hitory 1
Hobbies 1
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holiday 3
holiday home 2
Holland 8
holocaust 1
home 1
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homeopathy 1
Hong Kong 7
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horr 1
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horse racing 1
hospital 2
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hot 7
hotels 4
house of commons 2
house of lords 28
housing 82
housing crisis 13
how to 1
How to create sexual tension 1
HS2 3
Hubble 1
human rights 30
humanism 1
humanity 1
Humans 2
hunting 3
hurricane 2
hydrofoil 2
hypoc 1
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I.T. 3
ice 14
iceberg 6
Iceland 23
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IDox 1
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illness 1
Illusion of Choice 1
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insults 41
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international 2
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investment 1
iphone 6
Iran 12
Iraq 5
Ireland 4
irony 21
islam 145
island 3
Isle of Skye 6
Israel 102
ISS 48
istanbul 10
IT 8
it was a scam 1
Italy 26
Jacob Rees Mog 10
Jacob Rees Mogg 33
Jam first 1
james bond 4
James Dyson 1
James Hewitt 1
James O Brien 17
James Randi 1
Japan 3
Javascript 2
Jeff Bezos 10
Jeff Dunham 3
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Jeremy Hunt 10
Jesus 2
jetpack 1
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Jews 8
Jim Carey 2
Jim Jefferies 2
JK Rowling 2
Jo Swinson 3
jobhunting 53
jobs 10
Joe Biden 5
John Bercow 1
Johnson Variant 6
jokes 13
Jon Favreau 1
Jonathan Gullis 1
Jonathan Pie 12
jordan 2
Jordan Peterson 3
Josef Goebbels 8
journalism 7
Jubilee 15
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judgement 1
Julian Assange 8
Juno 1
Jupiter 24
Jurassic Park 4
Just dance 1
justice 1
justice system 3
Kale 1
Kamikwasi 1
Kangaroo 1
karen 1
Karl Marx 2
Karma 5
Kate Middleton 3
kayaks 3
Keanu Reeves 1
Kenosha 1
Kent 1
kettle 1
key 1
Khan 1
kids 1
Kier Starmer 176
King Charles 32
King Charles III 8
kingfisher 3
Kite 1
knee 3
knighthoods 3
Knots 14
Korea 2
Kwasi Kwarteng 6
LA 1
labour 258
Labour Files 2
labourscum 5
labrador 1
Labyrinth 4
lake 26
Lake District 1
land 3
landlords 2
landowners 2
landscape 1
Language 60
Larry and Paul 5
Las Vegas 7
late stage capitalism 153
Latin 1
laughing stock 1
lava 2
Lavender 1
law 194
Law Breakers 4
law makers 3
Lawrence Krauss 1
leather 1
Lebanon 3
Lebedev 1
Led by Donkeys 19
Lee Anderson 1
left-wing 1
legacy 1
legal 2
Lego 17
lens 1
levelling up 1
Leveson 2
liars 234
LibDems 4
Liberal Democrats 4
Libya 1
lies 12
lifeboat 2
Lifehack 2
lifestyle 1
lift 1
light 1
Lighthouse 17
lightning 13
lightroom 1
likeaboss 1
Lindsay Hoyle 1
Linkin Park 4
linux 2
lip-reading 1
Lira 1
Lisbon 1
Lithium 2
Little England 3
livery 3
living picture 1
Liz Truss 33
lock 1
lockdown 62
Lockpicking 1
logic 2
logistics 1
logos 3
London 22
long covid 1
Long exposure 1
looting 1
Lord Rothermere 1
lords spiritual 2
lorry 1
Lotus 2
love 69
Lying bitch 1
Maajid Nawaz 1
machloop 5
Macron 1
Mad cow disease 1
Mad Max 1
Mad skills 1
magic 6
Magic Eye 5
Magic Money Tree 1
magic trick 1
malicious compliance 3
man-made global warming 1
Manadalorian 1
Manafort 1
management 1
Mandalorian 12
manslaughter 1
Mantis 1
map 37
Marazion 1
marble 2
Marcus Aurelius 2
Marina Hyde 6
Mark Francois 1
Mark Menzies 2
Mark Twain 3
Mark Zuckerberg 3
Marketing 60
marmite 2
marriage 4
Mars 29
Marsh Family 1
Mask 9
mass hysteria 1
Mass Shooting 2
maths 2
Matt Hancock 39
McDoanlds 1
media 90
medical 1
Medical Tourism 1
Medieval Britain 1
Meerkat 1
megalophobia 1
Meghan Markle 5
meme 35
mental health 30
Menu 3
Mercedes 1
Merkel 1
messaging app 1
Met Police 2
metadata 1
meteor 1
Mexico 1
Michael Faricant 1
Michael Gove 20
Michael Sheen 1
Michael Spicer 6
Michelle Mone 12
microporn 13
Microsoft 2
Midge 1
Mike Graham 1
Milana Vayntrub 1
militarisation 1
Military 44
military industrial complex 1
milky way 39
millenials 1
millenium falcon 1
miltary 1
mime 1
Mind blown 3
MineCraft 1
Minimalism 4
Minimalist 4
minimum wage 1
mining 1
minions 7
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misdirection 1
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mist 3
mobile 1
Mobile Home 1
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model making 41
Modeling 8
Modem 1
Monarchy 76
Mondays 5
Monet 1
Money 3
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monkey 1
monopoly 7
monster 1
Mont St Michel 1
Monty Python 11
mood 1
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Moon Landings 4
morally bankrupt 1
morals 2
morons 99
Morph 1
Mosaic 4
moss 1
Mother Theresa 3
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motorhome 14
Motorsport 1
motorway 1
Mountain Biking 5
Mountain Goat 1
mountain river 2
mountains 93
mourning 1
mousehole 1
Movies 2
MPs 2
Mr Robot 1
mRNA 5
MSM 11
mug 2
multiculturalism 2
mum 1
Muppets 1
murder 35
music 9
my brain hurts 1
mythology 2
Nadhim Zahawi 9
Nadine Dorries 13
names 1
Narcissist 1
National Grid 1
National Trust 3
nationalism 19
nature 242
Naudet 1
Nazi 28
nebula 13
Nemesis 2
neoliberalism 1
nepotism 2
Nestle 1
Netherlands 1
network 1
Never again 1
New Words 1
New Year 3
New York 3
New Zealand 8
newquay 1
news 12
Newsthump 1
NHS 307
NI 1
Niagara Falls 1
Nick Abbot 1
Nicola Sturgeon 1
Nigel Farage 71
Nike 1
No Fucks Given 1
No Money Left 1
No Shit Sherlock 5
Noam Chomsky 2
nonce 17
nope 10
North Korea 11
Northern Lights 5
Norway 38
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not aged well 4
Not my job 1
notetoself 1
NotSatire 2
Nuclear 12
Number 10 1
nusr-et 1
Nvidia 2
Nye Bevan 2
Obama 3
obesity 1
Obscene 3
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OceanGate 4
octopus 1
Oculus 4
OfCom 1
off road 1
Offended 2
offroad 2
oil 6
old 1
oligarchy 1
Oliver Dowden 1
Olympics 2
omicron 1
one rule for them 29
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Only in the UK 1
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Oprah 2
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orca 4
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OS 1
Oscar Wilde 1
osprey 2
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Overton Window 1
owl 8
Owned 3
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P45 1
Padstow 1
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Pakistan 5
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Palestine 34
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panicbuying 7
paper 1
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Parking Fines 7
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Party 23
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patriotism 1
pay 2
pay rise 1
PC 1
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People 1
Perge 1
Perranporth 2
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perspective 3
Peru 1
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peugeot 1
Pfizer 2
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phone 1
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Photoshop 8
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Pinochet 1
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Police State 153
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Politics Joe 2
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Pooh 1
Pool 3
poor 1
PopCornTime 1
pope 6
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populism 1
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Pornhub 1
Porsche 1
Porthleven 8
Portugal 12
Posh 1
positive 5
Post Office 2
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potholes 9
poverty 17
PPE 48
PR 3
Prague 1
Prank 6
Predator 3
predictions 1
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prepping 3
press 9
Prince Andrew 38
Prince Charles 13
Prince Harry 2
Prince Philip 2
Prince William 4
Princess Bride 1
Princess Diana 9
printing 1
prison 2
Priti Patel 32
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private equity 1
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private schools 1
privatisation 364
Privilege 4
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profiteering 63
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project reality 4
propaganda 228
Propeller 2
property 41
property developers 2
Proportional Representation 15
prostate 1
protests 21
PseudoScience 76
psychic 1
Psychology 249
psychopath 2
Public Transport 7
punctuation 2
pure evil 1
Putin 28
pyramids 10
Quality of life 1
Quantum 13
quantum physics 2
Queen 56
Question Time 1
Questions 1
Quokka 1
quote 2
R2D2 3
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Raccoon 1
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Rachel Reeves 3
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Rallying 51
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Range Rover 1
rape 10
rapist 1
Rat 1
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regulators 1
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Relaxing 19
religion 990
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Tag Count